Thoughts on the American Express 2023 Global Travel Trends Report

By considering the preferences and desires of Gen-Zers and Millennials, travel companies can provide experiences tailored to this new generation of explorers. Whether they’re seeking out remote locations or looking for wellness-focused experiences, providing them with an unforgettable journey will ensure their loyalty for years to come.

Why is everyone surprised by this TSA vs. Peanut Butter Story?

Why is everyone so shocked by the TSA vs. Peanut Butter Story? I'm having a hard time understanding why this particular story has gained such traction. I can somewhat understand those who don't travel often being confused as to why peanut butter would be considered a "liquid" and thus needing to stick to the 3.4oz container rule, but for frequent flyers this regulation is just part of the process - nothing new or unexpected here.

Exploring the Lost Horse Mine Trail in Joshua Tree National Park

Hiking the Lost Horse Mine Trail in Joshua Tree National Park should be at the top of your list when planning a trip there. With easy trails perfect for all skill levels, breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, and plenty of wildlife waiting to be spotted along the way - what more can you ask for? So grab a pair of hiking boots and hit up this amazing trail today! You won't regret it!