Most of Yosemite National Park Closed until May 3

Most of Yosemite National Park Closed until May 3

Most of Yosemite National Park Closed until May 3

The snow-capped peaks of Yosemite National Park have been an iconic backdrop for Californians for years. This year is a bit different, however, as officials have had to make the difficult decision to close the park due to flooding concerns. The record-breaking snowpack levels that have been seen this winter season have caused more water than usual in the area — leading to potential flooding risks on nearby roads or trails.

Officials from the park made the difficult decision to close out of safety concerns. While the park is used to floods, the large amount of snow has led to more water than usual in the area and there may be a risk of flooding on nearby roads or trails. Therefore, it was decided that it would be best for visitors and staff if Yosemite remained closed until May 3, 2023.

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park

Closing the Yosemite National Park is a major decision, but it’s one that's necessary for safety reasons due to record-breaking snowpack levels in California. Despite the closure, Californians still have an amazing natural wonder at their disposal — even if it's not accessible for now. We should all be thankful that Yosemite exists and appreciate the hard work of park staff and officials who are doing what they can to ensure everyone's safety. Let’s look forward to the day when we can once again explore this incredible place!

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