Exploring the Aztec Caves Trail at Franklin Mountains State Park

Exploring the Aztec Caves Trail at Franklin Mountains State Park

Exploring the Aztec Caves Trail at Franklin Mountains State Park

Nestled outside of El Paso, Texas is the majestic Franklin Mountains State Park. This park provides visitors with many unique experiences and adventures as they explore its multiple trails and recreational activities. Among these is the Aztec Caves trail, a moderately difficult hike that will take you through 1.3 miles of winding paths to reach a an incredible cave system at the top of the trail. On a recent visit, I had the opportunity to experience this wonderful trail firsthand – so join me on my journey!

Aztec Caves Trail at Franklin Mountains State Park

Aztec Caves Trail at Franklin Mountains State Park

The cost for entrance into Franklin Mountain State Park is only $5 per person, paid at the Visitors’ Center before you enter the park. After paying, you’ll need to take a short drive up to the Aztec Caves Trailhead, located at the edge of the mountain. Once we arrived, we were met with strong winds – but this didn’t stop us from beginning our hike!

Aztec Caves Trail at Franklin Mountains State Park

Aztec Caves Trail at Franklin Mountains State Park

The trail is relatively easy and well marked with signs along the way. It winds its way upwards for about 1.3 miles until it reaches a couple beautiful caves. As we climbed higher and higher, I couldn’t help but be filled with awe as I took in all of the natural beauty surrounding me: lush greenery, jagged rocks, and wildlife that sporadically crossed our path.

As we reached the top of the trail, I was shocked by how calm and peaceful it was inside the cave system. Although it had been incredibly windy outside, here we were surrounded by a tranquil atmosphere with only the sound of birds chirping to break the silence. We walked around for about an hour exploring all of the different nooks and crannies that made up this magnificent site, taking advantage of all of its incredible photo opportunities.

We were lucky to have visited on such a quiet day – as there were only two other people on the trail that morning! We imagine it's popular spot amongst locals on the weekends, so if you want to experience some peace and quiet you should try visiting early in the day or during the week.

Overall, I’d highly recommend the Aztec Caves trail at Franklin Mountains State Park if you’re looking for a unique and exciting adventure. The combination of its moderate difficulty, beautiful scenery, ancient history, and peaceful atmosphere makes it an experience that is definitely worth checking out. So grab your hiking gear and head to El Paso – you won’t be disappointed!

Happy trails!

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